Day Trader: Angela
Welcome to our first Market Mama interview of another market mama! This is our friend Angela!
In this Market Mamas interview, we discuss the experiences and growth of a fellow market mama. Angela trades the same futures instrument (/ES) that we do and likewise has been learning the wonderful world of trading since 2020. There are so many similarities with our trading journeys, as Angela is also a mama, so she is working through the juggling game of fitting this new passion into her busy life, and did not come at this new pursuit from a business or finance background either.
We gain energy from and find solace in conversations with fellow early to middle growth day traders. These discussions help us to normalize our experiences in this arena, as most people who do not actively day trade do not truly understand what we are going through in this endeavor. When we can share knowledge, lessons, and celebrate each other’s milestones together, that community atmosphere adds some peace and comfort to a fairly adventurous and at times volatile pursuit. Angela beautifully embodies this open, engaging, dedicated, and supportive energy.
Meet Angela, friend and fellow day trading market mama! She offers such bright optimism and open comradery within our community and is steadily progressing her trading skills every day!