We’re so excited to bring you all another Market Mamas interview!

For this episode, we had the honor and privilege of interviewing Zvi Benyamini, an Israeli trader of more than 20 years and a trained mindset coach. Zvi was so humble and honest with his early journey, explaining that all the lessons he shares he has learned through experience of his own, and you know we Market Mamas love that authenticity. With his coaching, Zvi’s primary focus is working with traders that have encountered resistance in their trading with their mental game and are now seeking guidance to break through their individual barriers.

Zvi’s approach is like a breath of fresh air, in that he targets the whole person and their complex mind that is guiding them throughout their journey. With respect to the significant impact trading has on the traders personal and family life, self-esteem, happiness, and outcomes, Zvi helps traders dig into their deeper layers that are the crux of the more outward execution errors that are potentially holding us back from the greatest successes! Among the topics we discussed with Zvi, we spent some time delving into self sabotage, discipline, a strong trading system, and the traders’ growth process, to name a few. As we chatted with Zvi in this interview, it became obvious that he has gathered important lessons over time, as he really speaks from a place of experience and wisdom.

You guys need to hear this discussion - there are so many gems for all traders of every level.

Zvi Benyamini is a trading mindset coach from Israel. 

As a mindset professional and a 20-year trader himself, he helps traders overcome the greatest obstacle they face - their own mind.  

Learn more about Zvi Benyamini at Whole Brain Trading: https://wholebraintrading.com

Email Zvi directly at: zvi@wholebraintrading.com

Book a free call with Zvi: https://calendly.com/wholebraintrading/free-intro-call

Special offer for Market Mamas audience:

Get $50 off any coaching session with Zvi by mentioning Market Mamas when you book!


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