Welcome Back! This episode of our podcast is unscripted and reviews recent ah ha moments we’ve had, lesson highlights from our last couple of interviews, discussion on the joys of our Market Mamas vacation, the impact of the changing schedule for the upcoming summer months, and so much more!

Market Mamas was born out of the intimate conversations Becky & Kendra just naturally had week after week for our first few years trading. So, episodes like this one, are created in that likeness. They are open discussions centered around what we went through this past week or two, what work we are creating for you all coming up, powerful messages we recently heard and love, and what individual hurdles we are working through the most right now. Purpose being to serve you all with what also serves us. Learning to become a consistently profitable day trader is very hard. And letting out the emotions and experiences of it in an authentic and honest way feeds our minds and spirits. And allows us to essentially debrief and re-center so we can get back in our arena day after day! And our interactions with other like minded individuals, such as our recent interviewees Zvi and Xavier, really helps us broaden our horizons and learn and grow together.

When you have multiple loves of your life and desired paths to pursue, you have to learn how to prioritize and balance them over time. This is a phase we are currently working through and fine tuning every day.

From our recent episode with trading mindset coach and 20 year trader himself, Zvi Benyamini, we both experienced major take aways from that discussion that have already positively impacted our trading. It’s funny how conversations like that one speak differently to people who are at different places in their journey. Kendra and Becky both had unique ah ha moments from that conversation that spoke to our inner battles and barriers.

And the same with our conversation with badass runner Xavier, aka The Buff Nurse. His journey through life to this point in his careers really held so many parallels to our journeys. It’s really beautiful how we can find important lessons from so many varied sources. You’ll see what we mean when you watch that episode! The struggle is real with falling off track with our goals and momentum at times, as we are human. But anyone who is truly dedicated to a major goal, this is inevitable and the key to continued positive momentum is just resetting and getting back on track as quickly as possible. It is not shameful to have a day that was not ideal. But we do well when we embrace the lesson for what it taught us and then keep our head up and eyes forward.

You guys! Kendra and Becky had THE BEST TIME on their Mexico cruise in May. The video of this podcast episode has pictures within it of that trip, for those curious on our Mamas on Vacay mode, lol. It was really just a lovely time to rest, talk about it all in person, sun, explore, eat, drink and dance. We work to live, we do not live to work and this trip was a lovely expression of that life energy we both have.

With summer practically here, we mamas are mentally preparing ourselves for the schedule adjustment, varied responsibilities, and added time with our children 7 days a week. As with any season in our lives, it will be an adjustment, but we will enjoy the beauty in that shift, the adventure days with kids, and sort out our balance during those weeks just as much as any other. But… any tips for us, we always welcome comments and feedback!! With this topic or any really! We find such value in growing a supportive and authentic community centered around mutual respect, progressing and evolving, and “goal digging” energy. Next season? Let’s gooooo


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