Pursuing Power in 2024
As Becky and Kendra push forward in their day trading and podcasting careers, this topic is emerging as a daily factor for their life trajectories. Pursing power in one’s life and chosen career can become a driving force in how we operate and expand. Similar to a relentless drive towards growth and expansion, pursing power can be a strong force in one’s journey. So, let’s talk about what it is to pursue power in 2024.
As a broader topic, such as it might be used in today’s news, power can be seen in a certain way. The pursuit of a power position could be a drive to obtain authority or control over others, such as in politics or climbing a ladder in an intense corporate job, as an elected official or a CEO might. Power pursuits could also mean the repressed trying to escape control of a powerful dominating force, such as a monarch or landlord in historical situations, and instead pursue his/her own aims and aspirations. There are many examples of this strewn through history. From both perspectives, it is a person or group of people fighting and doing whatever must be done to escape and elevate their positions and opportunities in life.
In a more “normal” environment, it could be within a social group, organization/business, or field of study. Such as a floor nurse pursuing a position advancement into a charge nurse role, and then a nurse manager position. This would change the nurse’s responsibilities and influence. They are different roles and not everyone has the personality to want this change or posses the gumption to pursue it. Roles of greater responsibility are not appropriate for everyone. And with every advancement, one will need to let go of what no longer serves you or may become a threat once you achieve more responsibility and/or a higher title.
And power doesn’t have to mean superiority. It can also more simply refer to growth and expansion within oneself. Being different, choosing the roads less traveled, accepting leadership roles, sharing yourself publicly (on a podcast for example), those all require the ability to take risks and be bold and brave. One would need to enhance one’s goals and path forward and constantly strive for improvements at every level. It is a life energy of overcoming previous states of stagnation or complacency continuously.
This topic is analogous to striving for personal excellence, rather than comparing to others or accepting mediocrity. It’s always wanting to be better than who we were yesterday. And it reminds us of the impactful quote: “I’d rather be a sloppy success, than a master of mediocrity.” This is us at Market Mamas during our messy middle deliberate practice years of expansion.
Stretching beyond basic resistance builds power and strength within the ambitious. Every time you stretch what you are capable of knowing or accomplishing, you then move the dial a little farther up for the realm of possibilities for your specific life and aspirations. You break the pattern of limiting beliefs. As with trading, every time we hold a great trade longer, take a solid setup with more leverage, take two or three great trades in one session - each action shows our psyches the greater and stronger potential for who we are growing into as successful traders. It moves the bar a bit farther in terms of our ability and outcomes.
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
~ Nelson Mandela
True, consistent pursuit is to continually add deeper, harder goals as you meet earlier goals. It is a life lived choosing to be ceaseless, unsatisfied, and ever seeking more and new challenges. Seeing evidence of our growing strengths and abilities, and capitalizing on the opportunities we seek and find. There’s always a new peak to reach and a valley to conquer. No matter the subject of your pursuits.
This isn’t always trophies and success milestone parties, however. If we value power and are driven to pursue it relentlessly, then we must also welcome and value suffering and challenge. They are required elements to overcome in order to earn and achieve power. Suffering and strife are essential ingredients in any power pursuit. It helps to truly embrace the ‘pressure is a privilege’ mentality.
We require resistance levels to grow past if we are striving for true power and significant success. And at increasing difficulties, as the reward also grows. The higher we climb, the more and stronger resistance and push back we will inevitably experience. There is only room at the top for the elite. It gets lonely at the top because you become uncommon amongst the uncommon. To some, you will be ill-perceived because you're going to be a reflection of their unwillingness to push themselves for more. It will be harder to engage in small talk with others because you’re too consumed in designing and building your own life. This should be expected.
Pursuing power may appear selfish at times, but it’s really quite the opposite. It promotes a meaningful and productive life and provides one with many more opportunities and advantages to be used for all varieties of charity and impact. You could really make a meaningful difference in the world. With great achievements comes a status with which one could really utilize to improve the world around them and the lives of generations to come.
Another outcome from truly relentless advancement for many years could be the actualization of our true potential and the cultivation of greater happiness from our own actions and outcomes. And in fact, within the gold standard Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Self Actualization is at the tip top of the pyramid. At that level of success and fulfillment, the individual achieves one’s full potential in their pursuits, creative or otherwise, and has become all that is possible. And this is not even reasonable to consider until one surpasses all the lower levels of physiological and safety needs, love and belonging, and then also esteem needs that include confidence, major achievements and mutual respect. This highest peak of human achievement is one of deep enlightenment and endless possibility and impact. Very few ever truly build and rise to live in this position.
At the end of the day, there will always be challenges in life, even for those who are not actively building something way bigger and greater than their current environment. These life challenges are too often met with a negative attitude or defeatist mindset. A settling into the “easy way” and choosing to be content. The key difference between those and someone pursuing power is welcoming those challenges as built into the core of how they operate and expand. You become dangerous when you don’t shy away from the failure, struggles, and resistances that are sure to come. But rather you say bring it on, my survival rate is 100%. And I am not afraid to fight relentless day after day for all my biggest goals. Which type of person are you?
Thank you to everyone who is subscribing to our podcast, reading our blogs, and providing us feedback! We are here to talk openly about everything that may help us all level up within our lives, be it day trading or otherwise. We wish you all the very best for your lives!