An abundance mindset is something we really prioritize here at market-mamas. So, we are stoked to talk about a book from a woman we both truly admire for creating the life of her dreams with fierce determination and perseverance. The book is Abundance Now, and the author is Lisa Nichols, written with Janet Switzer. Some people recognize Lisa’s name from her role in the hit movie, The Secret.

“When you give yourself permission to have made mistakes in the past—when you begin to trust yourself about making new choices—that’s when your intuition becomes reliable and trustworthy.”

Check out our full discussion in the podcast below, including more of our favorite quotes and how we’ve adapted the advice into our own trading journeys and lives.

 In this book, Lisa shares her journey from scarcity to abundance, outlining steps everyone can take to create abundance in their career, relationships, personal self, and finances - while creating a legacy for her family and others to follow. Lisa started adulthood as a single mother on public assistance and was barely scraping by. Her transformation from those humble beginnings to her incredible success now in the field of personal transformation and life coaching is truly inspirational. 

Nichols channels her inner strength to climb her way steadily and with such tenacity to the best life she could dream for herself and her son. Focusing on the four areas of life that must be refined to bring true abundance, or her 4 Es - enrichment, enchantment, engagement, endowment - Nichols identifies the framework upon which a fulfilled existence is built.

One factor of Nichols' story that I find particularly powerful and relatable is how she fought so hard but so INDEPENDENTLY when she was young. She stated: “While you’re walking on your journey, some days you are going to have to take the walk alone.” This speaks to our journey as day traders because day trading is, at its core, an independent practice. That could be intimidating. But also, EMPOWERING. Your ultimate success is your making!! So much great content and thought-provoking material in this beautiful must-read recommendation from us to you.

Abundance Now has a 4.8 star rating on audible!
To listen to this book for yourself through our favorite resource for audiobooks & podcasts, go to:

This book is smart, well written and so good for personal growth and faith over fear energy. Get your hard copy now!

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Their titles are seriously the most comprehensive and Audible is sooo easy to use! We listen literally every day to something or another that adds such value to our journeys.


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