Never Finished

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation features: Never Finished, by David Goggins. Goggins gives us great detail about his continued development of philosophies, psychology, and strategies that helped him to get through and beyond physical trauma, schedule setbacks, a poor surgical outcome, and how he navigates under public scrutiny. We gathered a ton of value from learning more about Goggins raw and impactful life experiences and appreciate his willingness to share and expose all the deep, dark parts of himself that most people try to hide. He’s always an inspiration for us to not run from weaknesses but rather call them out and then get to work. As Goggins says, there is always another evolution and another better and deeper version of ourselves to reveal. We whole-heartedly believe that and have experienced those exact sentiments with our growth in the world of trading. There is always tomorrow. And the knowledge of our own resilience as day traders provides hope based on facts. After all, our survival rate on the hard days is 100% thus far.

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