Authenticity in Trading
Day trading is a traditionally male dominated sector of the financial world. Yet, here we are, Kendra and I, trading futures instruments every day as active and respected members of successful, diverse trading communities. Some might judge us out of confusion by our placement in this arena. Oh do we have thoughts on that!
In this podcast episode, we are getting deeper into our authentic selves!
Authenticity is the freedom we grant ourselves to show up exactly how we are so we can attract the right people that we need, and vice versa. We are each wonderfully and uniquely made. We were not meant to be walking clones of everyone else. No matter what you are pursuing in your life, this is a wonderful truth that we all should embrace! Remember to seek out and exploit the things you were naturally gifted with, they are the spice and secret ingredients in your recipe!
We Market Mamas connect on so many levels that our partnership and friendship went deep quickly and we are so blessed by that bond. But with as many ways that we know we are in sync, there are just as many differences. And this balance is a super power for us! We can understand a lot of each other's experiences, but also come in with another point of view or idea on almost everything. We love this about our partnership - it’s a safe place to be different, vulnerable, authentic, real. And know that the other person will be curious to understand our perspective and different enough to offer fresh insight and feedback.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s good to be humble. But it is also a necessity to own your space and be unapologetic about it. To take the word sorry out of your vocabulary. When we are pushing for something great that not everyone in our life understands, we hear the doubt in their words every day. That’s fine! Blessing to them in their lives and the journey they have chosen. But we do not have to be sorry for what we are choosing. Without innovators who challenge boundaries and push the limits, there would never be real progress or revolution. Instead of apologizing for being different, we say embrace your boldness and follow your intuition and drive. I need to see how far I can go! And to do that, I can’t allow others to define my successes or failures. My journey is mine alone and no one else is in a position to judge it, they are not experiencing my path.
When you think about it - from childhood we are conditioned to go along to get along. It starts early with behavior, then relationships, education, work, and even lifestyle. These sets of given parameters are usually passed down from generation to generation and function as a guide to keep us on a safe and logical path. But what about those of us that actually don’t buy into this idea? What if you can sense you are destined to chart your own course and don't want to accept the status quo? This desire for more, for greater, for different is often met with resistance. Our world does not support that. However, the irony is the disruptors and contrarians of each generation and all the arenas are the most impactful humans. So we’re all about going against the grain!
The world doesn't need a watered down, softened version of you. We really believe there’s a specific set of people that one is intended to reach, inspire, and learn from, and you can only do that the most effectively if you are being 100% authentic. We are still finding our way with pushing past limiting beliefs and into our fullest potential. But it is an incredible experience to grow, dream, create, imagine, start something, and build!
Here at Market Mamas, we intend to continue to bring you all our most authentic selves. Those that we resonate with are our people and we are so glad to have you following us!