Why is Self Control Required for Day Trading?

You can be very intelligent and fully conceptually understand a trading edge in the market, and still be a losing trader if you do not consistently exhibit self control. That’s the hard truth of the importance of self control for sustainable success! Join Market Mamas in this important discussion!

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Upgrading Your Identity

As we are working to advance as successful day traders and in the podcast world, we are accepting the challenge head-on to upgrade our identity to all that we know we are capable of becoming. But it isn’t always easy. Check out this discussion on upgrading identity with the market mamas!

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Profitable Trader Mindset

In this episode, Market Mamas discuss the different ways we can cultivate a profitable trader mindset. Having the systems in place to serve and support your best trading performance is critical for longevity in the game. We discuss strategies, habits, perspectives, and of course trader PSYCHOLOGY!

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Can You Get Rich Day Trading?

An important discussion! Is day trading another scam of a get rich quick pipe dream or is it a true avenue for consistent profitability? And if you can be profitable, what does that look like? A lot to unpack here on this subject!

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A Mother’s Perspective on Trading

We Market Mamas are in fact two mother’s who also trade the stock market, so we needed an episode to honor motherhood! Hear from the mamas about our experiences, methods of balancing, inspirations, and motivation for the optimal pace and patience with the journey of merging high stakes trading with parenting!

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10 Essential Habits for Your Premarket Routine

We have found a strong premarket game can really set the tone for a successful day! Join us in this video as we list and discuss our own top ten tips, habits, and routines we do as we prepare to trade the stock market each morning. There are many ways to prime and prepare your body and mind to best help serve and support you.

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How to Manage Isolation

For us market mamas, we have grown to embrace a sustainable, balanced, and helpful amount of isolation for the sake of major progress and goals in our lives. We have experienced that truly leveling up requires an isolation and extreme focus to break down the barriers that do not serve us on our paths to the highest peaks.

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No Regrets!

In this episode Market Mamas cover the topic of regret and how it can steal from your progress and the joy of life. Living and learning is how we strive and thrive to reach our full potential. There's no time to wallow in regret or worry about the would-have, could-have, or should-have choices. We say own every action and move on with new wisdom and courage continue to level up!

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How To Stop Perfectionism Before It Stops You

Join us in this discussion on perfectionism. Let's explore how the adverse effects of striving for perfection can impact your progress. We also discover how to reframe perfectionism into excellence to have a healthier perspective and better chance at a fulfilling life.

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