Deep Work

It’s time for another Must Read book recommendation from the Market Mamas trading psychology podcast! For this episode, Futures Day Trader & Market Mama Becky digs into her favorite, actionable takeaways from the fundamental book Deep Work by Cal Newport. In her recap, she emphasizes the importance of focused work in a world filled with distractions, sharing personal insights on how to prioritize tasks, create effective routines, and balance creativity with structure. The conversation also touches on the significance of managing “shallow work” and the benefits of productive meditation to enhance concentration. Ultimately, Becky encourages listeners to commit to deep work practices to achieve greater productivity, success, impact, and satisfaction in their endeavors.

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson is our next pick for a Market Mamas Must Read recommendation! It is really so good at challenging one’s perspectives about how real happiness is actually achieved and how problems are never truly eliminated. Manson points out in different ways and with different stories that human beings are flawed and sugar coating that doesn’t do anyone any favors. We love the fact he spells out that we only have so many fucks to give. So we have to be selective with that allocation in order to not burn out and become miserable. If we can dial in our priorities enough so that we are only entertaining the issues that really are in alignment with our values and goals, then we can better reach clarity on how we should be measuring our own happiness. There’s so much more to it too, and of course it is very relatable with our trading journeys! These lessons will be refreshing and smart, so check it out with us!

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The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trails into Triumph

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday. This book is packed full of killer stories and timeless quotes that so nicely illustrate powerful directives about self-growth and development. The author draws his inspiration for this book from the concept of stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. The lessons presented to his readers gives us really such a powerful framework that we can apply to our own lives!

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The Mental Game of Trading

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: The Mental Game of Trading by Jared Tendler. This powerful book delves deeply into the psychological struggles of high achievers and is packed full of practical solutions and strategies to guide us in more effectively managing our most common pitfalls. For all our traders out there, this one is really strong with timeless words of wisdom!

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