Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

The book Breaking the Habit of Being You is significantly impactful for teaching readers how to recognize the roots of what is holding us back and recreate ourselves in the image of who we most desire to be. This Market Mamas must read recommendation and book review covers key concepts in this ground-breaking theory and reveals some of the most powerful lessons for achieving success that we know all our traders will gain great value from.

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Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: Grit by Angela Duckworth. Grit so thoroughly and comprehensively outlines and characterizes what true grit looks like. Through many studies, discussions, polls, and analyses, Duckworth has compiled a really powerful document in this book that covers the character trait of grit so well. Let us break it down for you!

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The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trails into Triumph

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday. This book is packed full of killer stories and timeless quotes that so nicely illustrate powerful directives about self-growth and development. The author draws his inspiration for this book from the concept of stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. The lessons presented to his readers gives us really such a powerful framework that we can apply to our own lives!

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The Mental Game of Trading

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: The Mental Game of Trading by Jared Tendler. This powerful book delves deeply into the psychological struggles of high achievers and is packed full of practical solutions and strategies to guide us in more effectively managing our most common pitfalls. For all our traders out there, this one is really strong with timeless words of wisdom!

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The Confident Mind

Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser. This excellent read offers great advice on how we purposefully strengthen our confidence to reach our highest peaks. It is not an overnight process and this book was really packed with actionable advice to help us all achieve next levels. Check out our full discussion!

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