
Market Mamas must-read book recommendation this week features: Grit by Angela Duckworth. Grit so thoroughly and comprehensively outlines and characterizes what true grit looks like. Through many studies, discussions, polls, and analyses, Duckworth has compiled a really powerful document in this book that covers the character trait of grit so well. Let us break it down for you!

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must reads, book reviews, audiobooks, audible, Hustle, Power Market Mamas must reads, book reviews, audiobooks, audible, Hustle, Power Market Mamas

Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter

Here's another awesome title Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter, by Curtis Jackson, AKA 50 cent we've added to our trader must-reads list! We outline some of the key components in his stellar book that offer great advice and insight on how to become extremely successful in your chosen power pursuit and get everything that you're willing to earn.

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