Trading Visualizations

This guided audio is here to help direct your conscious & subconscious mind to actively experiencing in your mind’s eye your most successful trading session. 

We encourage you to listen to this episode before you trade each morning and in the evening before you sleep. It is designed to train your brain what it looks and feels like to perform at your optimal level, follow your prepared system, and trade as you ultimately desire each day.

Throughout this episode, we guide you to regulate your breathing with purposeful, deep, centering breaths. We’ll lead listeners through a successful trading day with a focus on your daily habits, trading system and personal objectives that lead to high performance analyses and executions. Visualize yourself with a strong, steady, focused mindset to behave as you intend during your trading session to train your brain that you are fully capable of achieving your greatest goals.


Visualizations for Focus & Peace


Intra-Trading Mindfulness