No Regrets!
In this episode Market Mamas cover the topic of regret and how it can steal from your progress and the joy of life. Living and learning is how we strive and thrive to reach our full potential. There's no time to wallow in regret or worry about the would-have, could-have, or should-have choices. We say own every action and move on with new wisdom and courage continue to level up!
How To Stop Perfectionism Before It Stops You
Join us in this discussion on perfectionism. Let's explore how the adverse effects of striving for perfection can impact your progress. We also discover how to reframe perfectionism into excellence to have a healthier perspective and better chance at a fulfilling life.
Comparison is a Thief!
Comparison is such an easy human nature habit. But when you are still in the research and development phase, the learning, the studying, the practicing, the failing and getting back up phase, it can be hard to continue to compare to those seemingly farther along than you. So don’t!!
Trading: Addiction vs Passion
What is the distinction between a dangerous addiction with momentum for destruction, vs a powerful opportunity to build an empire with passion and dedication? The lens with which you see it paints the experience in very different lights! Join the discussion!
Authenticity in Trading
The world doesn't need a watered down, softened version of you. We really believe there’s a specific set of people you are intended to reach, inspire, and learn from, and you can only do that the most effectively if you are being 100% authentic.